Pathway Programs at the UCR School of Medicine
The Pathway Programs Office at the UC Riverside School of Medicine works to help students, from high school through college, address the distinctive and unique student needs at each step along their educational path toward careers in health and medicine.
While the programs are separate and distinct, they provide a seamless pathway for academic preparation and enrichment, preparing students for entry into medical training and ultimately residency, particularly in primary care and short-supply specialties.
Ultimately, the programs aim to bring greater diversity to the Inland Southern California healthcare workforce, which currently does not reflect the ethnic fabric of the region. Its activities, such as academic and career exploration, parental involvement and financial support, are specifically designed to enhance students' readiness for medical school. The programs serve students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds and geographically underserved communities.
External Financial Aid Support for Pathway Programs Students
The UCR School of Medicine's Financial Aid Office has compiled a list of scholarships from outside organizations as a resource for students seeking additional funding. These scholarships are not administered by the UCR School of Medicine. The information should not be construed as any support or endorsement of a particular organization, individual, product, service, or point of view. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.
What are Pathway Programs?
School of Medicine Pathway Programs are 10 unique programs designed to help students, ranging from high school through college graduates, who are preparing for careers in medicine and health. The programs, which can stand alone or build upon one another throughout their academic career, assist in recruiting, advising and mentoring these future health professionals.
The programs are overseen by or coordinated with the Pathway Programs Office at the UCR School of Medicine.
Our pathway programs include:
The Pathways to Medical Education
Our programs start with high school students, continue through the undergraduate education years, and culminate with post-graduation opportunities, all intended to help students toward careers in health and medicine, ideally in our Inland Southern California home.